Store Transfers' restrictions

Restrictions are other conditions in addition to scenario parameters influencing the final result of a Store transfer. These are:

Forbidden trips

This is selected in the Step 3 of the scenario development process. As many stores can be selected as are needed from the selected store category. 
Each field can include either a single store or a store category in order to restrict trips to one or several stores at the same time.
Nextail gives the possibility of either forbidding the sending or the reception or both. For the first, include the store or the store category in the"From" field, for the second, include store or category in "to" field and; for the third, include the store or category in both fields.

Allowed trips 

Selected in the Step 3, as well. As many stores can be selected as are needed from the selected store category. 
It is the same logic as the previous, but instead of forbidding trips, the trips are set as mandatory.
Nextail gives the possibility of receiving, sending or both.

Number of trips 

This is to set a maximum number of trips for a store transfer. This is only used when the user cannot exceed a given number of trips. We strongly recommend not using this value unless is not extremely necessary, as it goes against the optimization.

Forced product movement or removal from the stores 

It is sometimes necessary to send or remove to/from a specific region, group of stores or store. Typically, it is common to send/remove products when there is seasonal change.
Apply replenishment block: When selected, we will not include in the scenario the products that you've blocked from being replenished.

Block recently moved products: When selected, we will not include in the scenario the products that you've recently moved. You will be asked to enter the days/weeks you want to be taken as a reference to say what "recent" means in your case. Product-store that were recommended to be moved (in or out) in any of the recently created submitted scenarios are blocked, but it is not audited whether the merchandise has actually been sent or not.

Block recently introduced products: When selected, we will not include in the scenarios the products that you have recently introduced in a first allocation. It looks at the date when a product first reached a store, regardless of if it came through FA, repo or a client’s manual process.

How to manage trips