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  2. Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms

An explanation of key terms used by Nextail's solutions

  • Absolute stockout: % of sizes with 0 stock in a store compared with the total number of sizes planned to be in the store.
  • Assortment: The election of products to buy from the company.
  • Available date: Date of the first sale or first day of availability in the store.
  • Blocked:Products that will not be replenished.
  • Calendar Plan: Days when a store will be replenished. This is also used to generate the replenishment waybill.
  • Category: Grouping/aggregation that can be created for products and stores.
  • Commercial stock: Stock physically available in the store.
  • Coverage: Measured in weeks and calculated as the ratio between stock and sales for the last 28 days multiplied by 4.
  • Daily process: A process we perform every day with every client to read their data (sales, stocks,etc).
  • Demand forecast: Number of SKUs expected to be sold.
  • Disable layers: An option to hide the main layer in the Product treemap and Store treemap report.
  • Discounted price: Product offered for sale at what seems to be a reduced price.
  • First Allocation: A module which calculates how to put products in the stores for the first time in order to optimize sales. 
  • Full price: The first price without discounts.
  • Ghost stock: Stock registered in the system but not actually existing.
  • Housekeeping: Set of processes carried out every day in order to calculate pre-aggregated tables.
  • Layout: The design store catalogue placement of products within the store.
  • Minimum display: Minimum number of units that must be displayed in the store at product-size level.
  • Order Type: A flag that indicates whether we are sending single units, pre-packs or both.
  • Planning horizon: Time planned to have enough stock to sell.
  • Pre-packs: Products received in the warehouse, grouped in packs and not individually.
  • Real stockout: This measures when a product is not in the store but there is stock in the warehouse. Real stockouts are those that could have been replenished.
  • Regenerated files: Files with detailed information on the calculation module for each store-product-size. The user can edit some parameters or send them as waybills.
  • Replenishment: A module that optimizes the store replenishment process.
  • Sales period: Value and units sold in the filtered period.
  • Sales threshold: Probability threshold established at product level. If defines the minimum probability of sale a product has to have for an additional unit to be sent from the warehouse to the stores or channels. The lower it is, the more likely it is for an additional unit to be shipped.
  • Seasonality: % of products above algorithm calculation, that a store needs to be sent due to special season needs.
  • Sell-out: Units sold divided by units purchased (global indicator at company level).
  • Sell-through: Units sold divided by units received (indicator at store level).
  • Similar products: Suggestions based on visual similarity, attribute similarity, price, catalogue position and role in the overall collection. 
  • Stock forecast: Estimated demand for a particular product until the replenishment occurs.
  • Stock left: Available percentage of stock in stores and warehouse.
  • Stock projection: Estimated stock of a particular product calculated immediately before the replenishment.
  • Store stock: Commercial stock + stock in transit at that particular moment.
  • Store transfers: A module that calculates store product transfer in an optimized way. If a product has low sales in store A and high sales in store B, it will be transferred from store A to store B.
  • Total sales: Value and units sold since the first date allocated in stores.
  • Transit stocks: The units that the store will receive from the warehouse in the following days.
  • Warehouse: Commercial building for stock storage.
  • Waybill: File designed for the warehouse that contains the information needed for the replenishment.