Sell-out and sell-through calculation

In this article we explain how these two very important indicators are calculated and applied.


This global indicator allows you to view the performance of unit sales that were purchased and introduced in warehouse. The indicator is available to non-store users.

  • The calculation is: units sold / by units purchased.

In this chart, you can see the introduction of a new collection. The more units sold, the higher the percentage of sell-out.

  • You can use the filters available in these reports to study a product category over a period of time. The available reports are:

"KPI reports" which allows you to see a graph of day to day sales evolution:

The "Top Products" report lets you sort products by sell-out, using the "Top" or "Bottom" option.

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  • There are several categories of products that can be viewed: the season, collection, family, specific product, or even a group of products that has recently been replenished in stores. You can also carry out a more thorough cross-analysis with a group of stores, by city, or by region.

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This  store indicator is used to measure the evolution of successful sales per product or at product category level.

  • The calculation is: units sold / units received. In the chart below, you can see that so far, product "x" has had a 60% success rate in terms of sales.

  • You can use the available filters to further analyze a specific period of time or product category. 

"KPI reports", allow you to see a graphed day-to-day sales evolution. "Top Products" lets you select a store within the filters to view its sell-through percentage. 

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