How do I change the calculation day and add a store to the calendar plan?

You can schedule scenarios to be launched automatically at pre-set dates and times, so they are ready when the business day starts.

Automatic replenishment can be configured on the platform

- Go to Admin > Preconfigured executions

- On this screen you will see the list of all preconfigured, active or inactive executions in the system. To start editing any of the existing executions, select one by clicking on the name.

-  Execution parameters:

Days of execution: pre-set which days of the week Nextail will launch this scenario

Execution type: select daily to launch the scenario on the days you selected before

The optimization will run daily, but the replenishment order will be sent as per the client’s calendar.

Also, to add a new store for the first time in the available store list, it is necessary to coordinate with the Nextail team to create it. This store by default, it will appear in the calendar plan option to set the day or days that will be replenished or allocated for the first time.