Configure Weekly Run

The process for setting up Weekly Store Transfers is in most ways similar to normal executions with 2 exceptions:

  • Store category chosen has to be a root category
  • We don’t directly select products, just their criteria

From the Store Transfers dropdown menu, select Configure Weekly Run.

Step 1

You’ll need to choose a root category which includes all the child categories that will be launched when the weekly run is executed (i.e. one scenario per child category).

(Example) In this case, you can see that I named the father category “Weekly Run”, so that every Sunday 6 scenarios are calculated (North, Centre and South for both own stores and ECI).

Step 2

You no longer directly choose which products are going to be launched, we simply select the criteria that will define which products to be used. The goal here is that we can set up the Weekly Run configuration once and not worry about it for an infinite number of weeks, knowing that the products will be updated accordingly and will always be the most appropriate for each week’s Store Transfer.

(Example) In this case, with the criteria you see in the filters, we would have 235 products for area Zona Norte ST if we launched the scenarios today. On Sunday, when the Weekly Run is executed, the products that fulfill that criteria might be slightly different (although I’d expect the data to change slowly, so the differences in this first weekend will be minimal).

Step 3 and 4

These steps are identical in every way to the normal setup. Don’t forget though that whatever restrictions you choose there (trip restrictions, cost per trip, etc) will be applied equally to all scenarios in the Weekly Run.

Step 5

Schedule the day of the week where the executions are going to be run with CX + CSM or with your CO support if you are still under the Onboarding stage