Warehouse size scarcity in Store transfers

Store transfers deals with last stock management phase once product in warehouse is scarce meaning that product available in Warehouse is not enough to cover stores demand. 

Warehouse size scarcity is an advanced criterion (variables available in the scenario preparation to limit the scope of supply scenario as needed) in setting warehouse scarcity to a specific value to consider only products that are scarce in the warehouse and so give greater sense to store transfer.

In more detail, warehouse size scarcity is the number of sizes in percentage over the total number of sizes of a given product that warehouse stock is not able to cover for the store category selected for the scenario. Let's see an example:

  1. We have a product (reference) with 5 sizes in total, XS, S, M, L, XL.
  2. We have 5 stores in the store category with all sizes complete for S (complete means at least one unit for each of the sizes), in other words, part of the 5 stores or none of them have units available for size S.
  3. Therefore, we need as many size S as the number of stores without any unit of size S. Imagine we have all of the five stores with no units for size S and we have 4 units or less of S size of this product in the warehouse.
  4. Therefore, for the selected store category  this product cannot be covered with warehouse stock and so warehouse scarcity is 20%, one size of five.