View past reorder scenarios

Running a Reorder scenario is a costly job, it does lots of calculations, saves data and generates results file.

 While all this work finishes the user is redirected to the View past scenarios page, where she can be updated about the execution that has just launched. Also, it is a good place to visit if someone needs to check the results of any scenario, do some modifications or download a result file. 

View past reorder scenarios page


This page displays the list of all the Reorder scenarios that a customer has launched, order by the date of the last modification. It also provides information about:

  • status: shows how the process is going, from Processing (still working on the results) to Ready (finished and available to review) or Error (something wrong happen). Only when the status is Ready the user could see the results of the scenario.

  • name: some words that will help identifying the scenario among others. It also displays the scenario id number just for reference. The name will became a link that will provide access to the scenario results page.

  • created at: the date when the scenario was created

  • modified on: the date when the scenario was modified

  • created by: the email of the user that run the scenario

  • reorder type: identifies the type of scenario, based on the products selected, permanent products or in-season products

  • product category name: the name of the group or category of products selected to run the scenario

  • store category name: the name of the group or category of stores selected to run the scenario. Not necessarily all the stores that could be considered for the results.
  • coverage: period of time that the users want to cover with the Reorder. It will show a date or the number of weeks to cover

There are no many filters in the page but at least there is a search option that will allow the user to find any scenario by its name.