
The mobile app gives the same business intelligence reports, but one of the advantages of using our app is that product scanning is easy and fast.

The scanner can read the product barcode and show the key information. This function is available for any user profile, just by downloading the app on a mobile or tablet.

Feature information

When the scanner reads the barcode (previously registered in our system), a product card will appear with sales, stock and stockouts

There are two types of sales data shown on the product cards: at store level or including sales of all stores.

  • Store level: As a store user you will have the filter with your store code by default without the option to change it. However, for the other users, an arrow next to the user's name is available to select all or one as shown in the following image.

  • All stores: Use this option to have the aggregate sales, stocks and stockouts. 


Inside the filters two options are available: multiple barcodes and the period of days of sales. To enable these options, scan one product and then click on the gear. The name of the filter layer is Barcodes search.


  • Multiple barcodes: Allows barcodes to be scanned in a row.
  • Period (days): It works in the same way when you use it with the PC. Select the last 7, 14, 30 days or customize the sales dates.

Steps to start using this feature

  • Go to the main menu by clicking on the right filter and select the "Scanner" option.

  • Focus the camera on the barcode to identify the product.

  • The product card will appear 

  • If you want to scan other barcode, go to the main menu again and select the option.

Learn How to see the historic sales of the product