I would like to see the best-selling products in the last season

In the "Top Products" report, you can filter, sort and display information based on different criteria. Four different layers are available.

  • Filter by

Products can be filtered by the number you want to be displayed, time period, geographic location, and product category.

  • Sort by

Sort filtered data based on a variety of different options.

  • Display options

  Include minimum display and stock transits.

  • Search

 The "Search" filters allow you to select products by their product code.

You can use these filters to see the Top selling products in the last season:

  • Filter by: Top > Select the number of products to be displayed > Select a season > Select a time period.

Product filter Nextail


Product filter by time period

  • Sort in descending order < Units sold

Top products sorting Nextail

Once the data is loaded, the report will show results accordingly.