How can I block or unblock products to send to stores?

You can prevent certain products from being sent to stores through the "Visual Merchandiser" option available in Master Data Menu or "Data upload" in Daily Data Menu.

Visual Merchandiser

  • Go to the “Master Data" menu and select  "Visual Merchandiser”.
  • Tick the products to be blocked from being sent to a given store, and save the changes by pressing the “Block” button.
  • You can also unblock previously blocked products by ticking them and pressing the “Unblock” button.

If you need to block/unblock a number of products, use the “Massive Edition” option.

  • Go to "Massive Edition".
  • Select the option that meets the restriction, i.e.: Block a specific product category and even within a certain store category (categories already created).
  • Once the desired group of products and/or stores has been selected, select block/unblock option. You can also add new restrictions later.

Data Upload

  • Go to the “Daily Data" menu and select "Data Upload”.
  • In Data type, select "Layout Master FA" or "Layout Master Rpenishment". This option lets you upload the store layouts and block/unblock products in replenishment or first allocation modules.
  • The file must contain 4 columns, named exactly as in the picture below so each line allows you to refer to a product-store combination:

ProductRef: This is the product reference.

StoreCode: The code store.

Replenishment or Replenishment_FA: These columns should contain:

        "1”  if we want to restore /allocate

        “0”  if we want to block

Note: You can ask the Nextail team on how to set blocks at SKU-store level.