BI reports summary

In the dashboards menu, we have different reports available, each of which is explained below.

KPI Reports

Give access to the most relevant business information and offer different display options related to sales, stocks, coverage, and stockouts. 

The graph can be filtered by period, downloaded, and have the result of the selection at the top and the bottom.

  • The store stock graph, allows you to identify the transit units pending reception in the system, as well as the stock in transit between replenishments and stores.
  • Use "Sell-out or Sell-through" graphs to track the evolution of successful sales of this new season or collection from the allocation date.
  • Review the real stock out level to see whether it remains healthy during the whole campaign.

Top Products

This report gives access to relevant operational information for the day-to-day business, using different filters and display options. This report ranks products (cards) by sales value from best to worst sellers. 

Users without stores have more user rights to access information within Top Products, for warehouse and sales, as well as for stores by sales or stockouts.

Product Treemap

Product treemap shows information on the number and % of units sold by product family in the last 7 days. To see the weight of sales and number of products, place the cursor on the product family and click on the family name to see the treemap at product level.

Store Treemap

The treemap works in exactly the same way as we saw in product treemap, the only difference is that it can be seen by cities with full detail by store. This report provides the % units sold at store level in the last 7 days.

To download the information in excel, click on the upper left button in the treemap.

Top Stores

This report allows managers to find information at store level from a specific set of stores. The information is displayed on cards with a listing option.

View which store has more and less store stock to face demand. More detailed information is also available by clicking by store name to know the list of top products.

Zero Sales

Zero Sales lists the country best-selling products in the stores that have had zero or minimal sales of those products in the last seven days. Click the store for a detailed list of products that do not meet the criteria, even when stock is available.

Deepen your analysis using the filters available on the page:

  • Bestsellers: define the number of bestsellers to compare 
  • Product filters: choose the bestsellers by the product multi-category filters 
  • Sales threshold: set a minimum number of sales that a product must have sold in the store. Products that haven't reached the criteria will be listed on the result page.

The store user only has access to the list of products in his store. Use this report to:

  • Verify whether the layout or display must change
  • Identify products with non-displayed stock
  • Identify products with potential stock discrepancies

Ghost Stocks

This shows the list of products that have moved from having strong sales to not being sold at all in the last 7 days, despite being in stock.

Click on the store for the detailed list of products. Use it to:

  • Identify products with differences between theoretical and real stocks
  • Replenish products not available in the store from the warehouse

Top Sales

The report lists the 100 top-selling products in the store over the last 14 days but is a report only configured for store users. Managers can view the information from Top Products

This helps to:

  • Identify most-sold products
  • Manage stock replenishment in store

Top Stockouts

The best-selling products in the store (top 100 in the last 30 days) listed or sorted by stockout level. It is a report configured by default for store users because managers can view it from Top Products.

The store can use this report to:

  • Identify products to replace/relocate if the minimum display is not enough
  • Request special replenishments from warehouse

Disaggregated Info

This report is useful to analyze the whole list of product- store or vice versa sorted by store stock, real stockout, coverage etc. This information helps decisions to be made in the future about discounts, block codes for replenishment, or store transfer scenarios etc. The report allows data to be downloaded in excel to make a thorough analysis.