1. Knowledge base
  2. Master Data & Daily Data

What is DIO (“Data Ingestion and Optimization”)?

DIO is short for “data ingestion and optimization” and simply put, DIO processes ensure that your data and KPIs in Nextail are up-to-date.

They do so by importing data from your warehouse so that it can be processed by Nextail optimization engines and deliver these optimizations to you each morning or on the days you choose. 

DIO has two main steps:

  • Data ingestion: Your data files (ProductMaster, StoreMaster, WareHouseMaster, StoreStocks, WareHouseStocks, Sales, etc.) are retrieved and uploaded.
  • Optimizations: Preconfigured executions will run in order to deliver your optimized inventory decisions.

DIO also includes a process called “housekeeping” which uses this freshly retrieved data to update your KPI reports and insights.