Store Transfers

Nextail Knowledge base Search

Logic Overview

  • Demand Forecast


Learn about the logic behind the algorithms that Nextail uses to calculate demand and let's see how it determines which SKU-store combination has the most likely result in a sale.

  • Optimization


Once Nextail has calculated the expected demand for each SKU in every location across the network, Global Optimization determines the best use you can make of the available units.

Launching a scenario

  • Selecting stores and products


Let's get into the platform to define the scope or the stores involved and select the product we would like to transfer among them.

  • Configuring trips and applying parameters


Set restrictions on the trips that can take place and apply different types of parameters related to the optimization such as costs, visual merchandising, efficiency threshold and more.

Reviewing a scenario


Verify the number of units to transfer, recommended trips and Estimated sales increase before executing the scenario. Also, see the list of stores that will either send or receive on each product.

Reviewing the impact

  • Implementation & Estimated Sales Increase


Review the degree of implementation of each Nextail recommendation and let's verify what the ESI was before the transfers took place.

  • Actual Sales Increase


Let's take a look at the Actual Sales Increase, sales that were generated thanks to the units that were transferred.