REORDER: RO FILE explaination

In this page, we describe all the fields in the RO file. 

First sheet:

  • Product id: Nextail’s internal id for the product;

  • Scenario id: Nextail’s scenario id;

  • Reference: product reference;

  • Size name: name of the size;

  • Product name: name of the product;

  • Barcode: barcode of the sku;

  • Sku id: Nextail’s internal id for the sku; 

  • Execution Date: date in which the scenario was launched;

  • Order Placement Date: data in which the orders are expected to be placed to suppliers (lead time calculation starta from this date);

  • Last date to place order: last date in which the order for that sku could be placed without incurring in stockout. If the date is the same as Order Placement Date, that means it cannot be delayed without incurring in lost sales (the product will be in stock out since lead time).

  • WH stock: initial warehouse stock at the execution date;

  • Transit stock: stock in transit to stores at the execution date;

  • Stores stock: stock in stores at the execution date; 

  • Total stock: sum of stock in the warehouse, in stores and in transit;

  • Incoming orders: pending orders already placed for that sku;

  • Historic week sales: sales during historic weeks;

  • Historic weeks: number of weeks used as historic for the scenario;

  • First available date: first date of availability of the product (not the sku) in the store;

  • Lead time demand: demand forecasted during the lead time;

  • Lead time lost sales: sales lost during lead time due to lack of stock. 

  • Project stock: total stock to be in the network (stores + WH) at the arrival date; 

  • Arrival date: expected arrival date;

  • Coverage demand: demand forecasted during the planning horizon;

  • Coverage lost sales w/o reorder: lost sales during the planning horizon if no additional quantities are ordered;

  • Coverage end date: end date of the planning horizon;

  • Minimum stock: quantity of stock that will be left at the end of the planning horizon as a healthy level of stock. 

  • Num stores at execution date: initial number of stores included in the scenario (do not take into account new openings or closures)

  • Safety stock %: percentage of safety stock applied in the scenario;

  • Lead time safety stock: number of units calculated as safety stock during the lead time (this being the percentage above-defined applied on the lead time forecast);

  • Coverage  safety stock: number of units calculated as safety stock during the coverage/planning horizon (this being the percentage above-defined applied on the planning horizon forecast);

  • Total safety stock: sum of lead time safety stock and coverage safety stock. 

  • Suggested order: quantity suggested reordering before manual editions and applying business restrictions such as MOQ. This quantity is rounded up considering boxes (if configured).

  • Final order: final quantity taking into account manual editions and/or MOQ. 

  • Forecast warning: only applies to in-season scenario, in case there are products not reaching the minimum data threshold it will be displayed a warning in this column. 

Second sheet. 

The objective of this sheet is to give additional information regarding which products will have lost sales during the lead time. It is useful in case the customer has the possibility to anticipate the reorder arrival date considering different meanings of transport or a different supplier. In this sheet only the SKUs with lost sales during lead time are shown. 

  • Reference: product reference;

  • Size name: name of the size;

  • Product name: name of the product;

  • Reorder Quantity (w/o additional units for lead time): final order as defined in the reorder scenario;

  • Planned Arrival Date of Current Reorder: expected arrival date of the new reorder quantities;

  • First Date of Stockout: first date of stockout for the sku in the scenario;

  • Additional Units to be bought: units to be bough additionally in case the new reorder scenario can be anticipated to the first date of stockout;

  • Additional sales: additional sales in the standard environment currency that could be achieved if the reorder arrival date can be anticipated to the first date of stockout;

  • Additional production cost: additional cost due to the extra units to be bought;

  • First Pending Order after stockout: in case there are scheduled pending orders for this sku, here we show the arrival date;

  • First Pending Order Quantity: in case there are scheduled pending orders for this sku, here we show the quantity that will arrive;

  • Pending order code: in case there are scheduled pending orders for this sku, here we show the code of the pending order;