Waybills to stores

In order to fulfil store transfers each of the stores sending product to any other receives an e-mail letting the store know that it has to prepare goods for store transfer, including an attached document called a "Waybill".

The Waybill includes the goods to be prepared by a store and is composed of two parts: Picking list and Packing list.

Picking list

This list shows the scope of units to prepare at Family-Reference level.

Waybill content:

  1. Summary: Total units to be picked, total products and total stores involved in the transfer 
  2. Products grouped by families 
  3. Total of units to be picked for that family
  4. Each product shows:
  • Image
  • Reference
  • Total units 
  • Product name
  • Sizes divided into two columns
  • Each size with a checkbox

Note: This list supposed to be the beginning of the process

Packing List: 

This list deals with the goods a store has to prepare for each of the Stores to which the product is sent.

Waybill content:

  1. Packing header: the store in the title is the receiving store
  2. The total amount of units to send per store
  3. Packing items:
  • Products grouped by families
  • Total units to send per family and product


Receiving list

The customer has the option of sending the "Receiving list waybill" to inform stores about the origin of the products and units they are about to receive. Coordinate with the Nx team to enable this option for the stores.

Waybill content: 

  1. The store in the title is the receiving store while the following subtitles correspond to the sending stores
  2. Header: count of total products, count of total units and count of total stores that send units
  • Products grouped by families
  • Total units to receive per family and product