Replenishment restrictions before executing a scenario

There are some restrictions that can be included in order to get a scenario that complies with business and operational requirements.

Max. Capacity

Used to limit the number of units of a product category (families) in a store.
The algorithm will remove the units that are less likely to be sold until the condition is met.

Max. Order

Used to set a maximum number of units that a store can afford to receive.
The algorithm will remove the units that are less likely to be sold until the condition is met.

Min. Order

A minimum number of units can be set to trigger product allocation.
If a store fails to meet the minimum order for a given product, it will not receive any units.  


The allocation of prepacks can be prioritized before sending single units.

Min. Displays

The minimum number of units that must be displayed in the store at product-size level.
It can differ from one store to another.


Product or group of products (families) not allowed to be sent to a defined store/s.