Reorder overview

The goal of REORDER is to help you determine the correct number of units to cover future demand prediction of a selected planning horizon based on the past sales of that product, considering production lead times to increase sales and reduce lost sales.

The reorder solution aims at ending the PH with no stock in the WH while maintaining the minimum levels of stock in stores to prevent lost sales. 

Reorder can be done for new products with a few weeks of sales o for continuity products each year considering past years' sales: 

  • Seasonal / New products: Reorder can be done in-season; with data of the first weeks (2 or 3 weeks) of sales, we recommend the correct quantities to order.
  • Carryover or permanent products: When products last more than a period, reordering can take past sales from previous seasons to determine the best quantities to reorder.

The Reorder solution will suggest a quantity taking into account: