Learn more about products not included

There are several reasons why a selected product in the scenario scope can be removed or restricted in movements 

Blocks restrictions selected in the execution

  • Apply replenishment blocks: when selected, we will not include in the scenario the products blocked from being replenished (the store lay out
  • Block recently moved products: where you can avoid including in the scenario products recently moved. It is necessary to enter the days/weeks you want to be taken as a reference. Product-store combinations in any of the recently created submitted scenarios will be blocked.
  • Block recently introduced products: where you can avoid moving products recently allocated in a store.

Scenario Parametrization

  • Min ESI per trip: a high cost per trip may prevent some products from being moved as it is going to restrict the amount of trips proposed.
  • Number of trips: the same as before, selecting a small amount of allowed trips will restrict the movements proposed.
  • Visual merchandiser weight: in this case, the importance of complying with visual rules will affect the amount of products moved. 
  • Efficiency threshold. A high value will reduce the amount of products moved as it is going to be harder to reach the expected benefit.
  • Cost per unit / Cost per product: the higher it gets the more difficult it is to move units.

Platform Parametrization related. These settings can be decided during your onboarding phase or afterwards under request.

  • Maximum number of arcs considered: max number of possible trips considered between stores 
  • Maximum number of units received. Max units stores can receive
  • Maximum number of units sent. Max units stores can send

Other constraints considered when moving products

  • Product availability in the stores where the movements are happening. We need enough stock available to be able to move them.
  • The products should have been allocated at some point in the past in the stores to enable them as receivers.
  • Trips restrictions may affect the amount of products moved as we are restricting possible trips.