How long should my promo period be? When should it start and finish?

As most promotional periods tend to happen every year at around the same moment, our recommendation is to use KPI reports in order to see the size of last year’s peak and make decisions based on that.

Promotion 1 (24th Oct - 1st Nov)

Sales (units) 

As you can see in this example, sales were stable during the weeks before the event started (between 1.200 – 1500 units sold per day). However, there is an uplift on October 23rd (3.000 - 4.500 units sold per day), and another uplift on October 28th (6.000-12.000 units sold per day). As the difference is so big between both peaks, even if the period is very short, it would be worthy to configure two different promotions:

During other promotions, the sales increase might be stable during the whole promotional period. In this case, it would be enough to create one promotion from the beginning until the end of the promotion.