First Allocation - Results checks

Once the first allocation calculation is launched, different automatic results are calculated.

By default, the Sales Threshold used for the shown result is 15% but other results are precalculated to give the Merch Planner or Buyer the choice to select the most suitable option for each product. The highest and most restrictive possible Sales Threshold is 30%.

It is important to check the result as it gives good visibility of the balance for each product between the first allocation and the remaining stock in the warehouse to replenish.

Some examples of easy checks that could be made are:

Check of the % of units allocated vs units from the Buy: a high % will not allow the stock to be properly rebalanced during the season and the stockout probabilities will be higher. With a low % there may be a risk of stockout and lost sales that could be avoided and so it must be measured.

Review the % of allocated stores: sometimes the number of units bought is not enough to be sent to all the selected stores, especially when the algorithm proposes more units for the best shops. Otherwise, we might simply detect a mistake in the buy or in the layout.

The warehouse stock: by checking the stock left in the warehouse, we can immediately see whether we will have enough stock for replenishment. This is another way to check the % of first allocation, and it gives additional information at a balanced size breakdown. It is possible to have an acceptable % of first allocation in overall, and at the same time to have empty sizes without possibilities for replenishment.

With these kinds of checks, different decisions can be taken about Minimum displays, Layout, Reorder, Sales Threshold changes.

Expected data format

This data can either be uploaded manually via the data upload functionality in the admin, or integrated automatically.

Here is an example of the format the data upload expects:

OrderRef is the unique identifier of the order
WhRef is the warehouse code
SkuRef can be either the sku identifier (it accepts either reference, barcode or reference2) or the prepack reference if the line refers to a prepack
OrderDate is the date in which the order was executed
ExpectedArrivalDate is the date in which the order is expected to arrive
Quantity is the amount the order contains
ConfirmationCode is a code the supplier may provide to confirm date and quantities of arrival. This is optional
Pre-Allocated determines whether this order has already been pre-allocated in the customer systems


Get started with:

Change the sales threshold per product

Set and edit minimum display units at a product-size level